Samodejni IR stenski merilnik telesne temperature. Deluje brezstično in ne zahteva dodatnega osebja za izvajanje merjenja. Z zvočnim alarmom v primeru temperature višje od 37.3 C. GP-100 je preko Windows OS povezljiv z osebnim računalnikom in omogoča pregled in obdelavo zbranih odčitkov v skladu z GDPR regulativo. Dodatna prednost aparata je njegova uporabnost skozi vse leto vključno z zimskimi meseci. Aparat se lahko montira na katerokoli površino: zid, les, železo, plastika ravno tako ga lahko s posebno pritrdilno ploščo montirate na okrogel drog ali nosilec.
Aparat je polno certificiran v skladu z direktivami EU in primeren tudi za profesionalno bolnišnično uporabo.
Glavne značilnosti:
Napajanje 1 220 V
Napajanje 2 Polnilna baterija 18650 Li-ion, USB
2 načina delovanja Aktiven način in način V pripravljenosti (manjša poraba energije)
2 temperaturna načina °C/°F
Doseg IR senzorja Samodejno merjenje na razdalji 5 – 10 cm
Hitrost intervala odčitovanja 0.5 s
Mere Š 95 mm x V 170 mm x G 130 mm
Teža 263 g
Certifikate, analizna poročila, vse ostale dokumente in tehnični list pošljemo na zahtevo stranke.
Pred nakupom vabljeni na brezplačno testiranje naprave, kjerkoli v Sloveniji!
Completely touch less and especially friendly for use in schools, hospitals, offices and any workplace actually as well as in building lobbies..
Main features:
Premium Design, Quality & CE certified
Highly accurate IR Array sensor
Detects fever with accuracy of ±0.3℃
Fever detection from distance of 3-5 cm
Scanning time 0.5 seconds
Operates on LI-on batteries
Operates on 220 V
12 months guaranty with on-site device replacement option
Enjoy Hospital Grade Accuracy at your home, clinic or workplace in confidence due to the thoroughly tested and reliable of your new thermometer. Its shape, functionality and it’s amazingly lightweight speaks of artistic genius and first-class design capabilities.
Thermometer is amazingly versatile and enables you to measure body temperature on forehead as well as on wrists. It is a perfect choice for any employer, parent or service provider who want to keep a close eye on the body temperature of their close ones or their users.
It’s extremely easy to use with just nearing the forehead or wrist couple of cm infront of the device and your temperature is measured. No need for additional personnel wall IR thermometer works completely automated on its own.